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Darks Seas is one of the newer brands that has been welcomed into our shop. At Gunthers we seek brands that are often inspired from Chicano lifestyles, as well brands that artistically motivate their customers to be carefree, smooth hombres like Suavecito Pomade whilst still badass and bound for glory like Loser Machine. It can be easily said that Dark Seas provides a median between these two brands that balances these attitudes into a dignified man that can handle whatever the rough seas sail his way.

The name Dark Seas encompasses a mystery to the brand. The sea being a universal symbol that implicates the unknown, the darkness, and is home to some of the most perilous beings, this brand is made for all of the extraordinary individuals that live with no fear. Dark Seas gear ranges from detailed, colorful graphics to simple details that are still eye catching for the shopper. Many of their items are branded with traditional art, which parallels their brand with naval symbols that represent the honor of the seaman and the majestic strength of the seas.

For the summer of 2017, Gunthers has four different Dark Seas tank tops suited for every type of style, whether you’re hitting up the beach or the streets. We also have Dark Seas graphic tees that if worn, we guarantee you will live the summer in style.


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Dark Seas t-shirt worn walking down the street

assortment of Dark Seas t-shirts on tableDark Seas Tank Top white on table

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